As many of you have gotten used to, our blogs tend to fall behind when we get busy. Or should I say, when school is back in session. I know many of you thought school was over for me since I just graduated from the nursing program but I was accepted into UNR's RN to BSN program and am continuing on for 3 more semesters to advance my degree. I have decided that once this program is completed, I am definitely taking a break from classes! After having been in school for 21 years, I think I can take a year off!
This blog will server to catch us up on the happenings of September. Above is a picture of an announcement from work. Our managers round on our patients each week. When a patient mentions you specifically by name they place it on the employee wall for all of us to see. It made me feel good to see my name on that list as a new-graduate when so often I feel like I am constantly making mistakes or second guessing myself.
On September 1st, Dwayne, Mom, Pop (John) and I all went to the Nugget Rib Cook off.

Both Mom and I had our cameras but didn't think to take any pictures at the cook-off. The two above pictures and the picture below are the only pictures we have to show from that day.

After the cook off we had gone to get some things for Mellie's birthday party. Michael's, the store we were in had their Halloween decorations out so we got some shots of Dwayne and Pop playing around.

A couple weekends later, we had a birthday party for Mellie. She turned 21 this year. Her party was a masquerade theme. Everyone had a special mask for the party. We had her favorites, lasagna and of course, funfetti cake. It was fun. Hard to believe my baby sister is now 21!

Dwayne and I had a date night in Reno and we stopped off in Target. We had fun looking through the Halloween costumes and Dwayne decided to try this costume on. We had already bought a costume similar to it for Halo for Halloween.

Here is Halo in his hot dog costume

He seemed to not mind it too much.

Isn't he cute? He loves dressing up for Halloween!
The following weekend, I went on a girl's trip to Applehill in California. Erin, Allison, Kari and I loaded up on a Saturday morning and took the scenic drive up to the mountains. We didn't take any other pictures the whole day with the exception of the one above. We had a really great time though and had some awesome food and brought back some great treats!

These super cute pumpkins are salt and pepper shakers that I got while we were at Applehill. I thought they would be a nice addition to my Fall/Halloween decorations.
And before we knew it, September was over and it was October!