Monday, September 15, 2008

Taking a Study Break...

Okay, so I don't think there is anything anyone can tell you that can prepare you for just how much time you end up devoting to studying and NOT to sleeping, family, work, cleaning. socializing....etc. while in nursing schoool. I knew this was going to be a comittment but I just wasn't prepared for the whole, ceasing to exist thing. Oh well, it'll pay off in the long run right? Well, its after mid-night and I have an exam in less than nine hours. I've been studying all day, and I think it's time to call it quits. I'm going to head to bed but I thought I post a quick blog about it. Now, if I do this right, there should be pictures of my nursing school endeavor. Here we go.....

These are my beautiful close up shots of my handy-dandy, nifty-spiffy uniform!

This is where I study, yes, I know, it is a closet. Hopefully the new house will have a real place for my "office" to be.

1 comment:

Jo said...

good luck with the test! You will do great!