Sunday, January 25, 2009

To Vegas and Back...

Our trip to Vegas was quick but great! We got in a lot earlier than expected on Saturday night. We checked in at the Air Force base to our room and then had dinner at Dwayne's favorite fast food chicken joint: PopEye's Chicken. After dinner we looked around the BX (base exchange) and then went to the room where I did homework (lame I know but it had to be done) and Dwayne played his PSP.

Sunday early afternoon we were able to visit with my not-so-baby- baby cousin Katana. She's been living in Vegas for about 7 months or so and we were missing her tons. We did Christmas with her since we still had her presents from the holidays and then took her out to lunch at Chilis. She was such a good girl the wait staff gave her a coupon for a free kid's meal the next time she comes back. After lunch we went to the mall that was down the street and walked around looking in the stores. We stopped into the Disney store since it was having a huge winter clearance sale. Next we went to the Hallmark store where Katana and Dwayne danced with the Valentine's dancing guy you could buy for someone that played and danced to the song "Love Machine." Having danced up an appetite we decided to get some ice cream. It was so yummy!

Later that afternoon, Dwayne's family got into Vegas from Texas. So, we said our goodbyes to Katana and promised to come back the following day before we left Vegas to say goodbye. We headed out to Sam's Town, the place D's grandparents love to stay and gamble. This trip out they brought his aunt Loreen out too! It was nice being able to see the three of them since we all live so far away from each other. After we all had dinner, gambled a little, lost a lot, we turned in for the night. I once again, did a little homework and D this time watched TV. The morning came and we had breakfast with Dwayne's grandfather and then we all said our goodbyes and D and I checked out of our room. Then it was off to see Katana again before we left town to head home.

It was a quick but well worth it trip!

1 comment:

Anjanette Young said...

Oh Katana is such a cutie!!

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

Thanks for sharing your pics with us.