Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fun Skate Day with the Cousins

On July 1st, I took my brother, my cousin Jordan and my cousin Katana roller skating.
Katana is here visiting for the summer and Jordan has been spending his week visiting as well.

We got in and got our skates. It started off okay. Everyone was excited and Katana kept telling me about how good of a skater she was when she was at her home in Vegas.

I've been skating with Jordan at a few of his Boy Scout Halloween parties before he moved from Fallon and I knew how much of a good time he had each time we went. I was excited to be able to take him skating.

So we got our skates, laced them up and were ready to hit the floor...well hopefully not literally. And that is where the easiness of the day ended. Until he could get his footing down a little better Jordan wanted someone to go around with him on the floor. No biggie I thought so I held Katana's hand and headed toward the floor. Then we had a meltdown! ( Four year olds + missing the afternoon nap = meltdown in the skating rink) Turns out Katana wasn't a good skater and didn't want to skate anywhere but on the carpet. OH boy! I didn't want to make Jordan go by himself but I couldn't just leave Katana sitting on the sidelines. Mommy to the rescue! Mom headed on down to the skating rink so that she could supervise Katana while the rest of us went out and skated.

Steven taking a break from skating.

Jordan showing off his improvement over the last hour.

And even Katana eventually felt more comfortable in her skates and began wanting to skate on the real floor and not just the carpet.....holding on to both of someones hands only of course!

As you can see, the day got going smoothly again. In the picture above you can see Jordan skating solidly on his own and having a good time toward the back wall (he has on the red shirt and black shorts) and of course that's me taking my turn around the rink by myself.

When it was all said and done, we had a fun time. I don't know that it would have smoothed out if Mom hadn't been there to help though so THANKS MOMMA!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

LOL not a problem. I was glad you all could have fun. Love ya!