Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Wisdom Teeth Come Out!

Well, most people have had their wisdom teeth out and it was finally my turn. I had been putting it off for long enough. I figured, since school was finished and while I was in between jobs, I should take care of my wisdom teeth. The above picture is of me before we left the house to go to the dentist's office.

On Tuesday, June 8, I went and had all my wisdom teeth removed. They were impacted and causing some major jaw pain and headaches.

The two above pictures are of me getting hooked up to the monitoring equipment. I was given IV sedation for the procedure and based on the way I felt after it was over, I am glad!

This picture is of me once Dwayne brought me back home. I apparently chose to lie down in the guest bedroom and watch a movie. I don't remember any of this happening. I only remember waking up later in the evening in the regular bedroom with Dwayne telling me I needed to try and eat a little something.

It was around the clock ice packs and pain pills that first day. Dwayne did a good job taking care of me. The above picture is of me and my ice packs on each of my cheeks.

If I thought the first day hurt, the second day hurt a whole lot more! I was so puffy and could barely move my jaws! I was even trying to smile in the picture above but I am so swollen you can't even tell.

Here I am a few days later. I am feeling better and able to eat for the most part again. I think my face says it all about how I feel about the whole situation. I am glad that is over with and that I don't have to do it again! The staff at Dr. Guillen's office was amazing and they made the whole experience so much better!


Cindy said...

Love the pics! So sorry you had to go through that, but at least you had Dwayne by your side to take care of you! Good job, I agree....it's a good thing we only have to go through that once. Now it's time for a great summer! Love, Cindy

Timothy said...

It was a smart move to schedule the wisdom teeth removal when you had free time. It feels good to not do anything at all when you're recovering from the extraction. Also, being able to rest without worry helps speed up the healing.

-Timothy Mclaney

Anonymous said...

You were truly brave to undergo such complicated dental procedure. Yes, wisdom teeth can be very problematic, especially if they’re impacted. This is because they tend to push other teeth and make your jaws crowded, thus eventually causing pain in your jaws and head. I bet you recovered well and fast since Dwayne was always by your side.

@Lonnie Frandsen