Friday, June 4, 2010

Tiffy's 26th Birthday

My birthday this year fell on a Tuesday and also very close to all the graduation happenings. Also, I spent my birthday day in a review class for the nursing boards. The day itself didn't turn out as planned. Dwayne wanted to take me to Reno for dinner but got super busy right at the end of his shift and we ended up getting food in town.

He also put candles in a cake and sang with Halo to me. I don't like store cakes but the one he got is the exception to the rule, it was Red Velvet, my favorite! It was a mini cake and the perfect size for the two of us.

The Friday that week my mommy threw a birthday party for me. Dwayne had to work that night but he stopped by for his lunch break. Mom knows I don't like store cakes and that my favorite home cake is white cake with chocolate frosting. That's what she made me for my party!

Dwayne dropped my present off while he was at work. I had been wanting a new jersey and he found my favorite player and got me one!

Katana is visiting during the summer. She came for the party but once she got cozy on the couch with Halo, the blanket, a pillow and a new movie she hadn't seen, she fell asleep.

My friend Darby came and played games, had food and hung out with us.

Here are the seesters. She was killing me at Uno!

Okay this is a nice picture of us.

Before long it was time for cake!

My puppy son Halo :)

Dwayne got there in time to sing!

Mr. and Mrs. Macie

Everyone gave me such wonderful gifts! It was so nice of everyone.

My Mommy got me a necklace I had my eye on for a long time. She even filled the picture slot with a picture of Dwayne for me.

Thanks Mommy, for the party and the presents! I love you!

Paparazzi time! Darby and me

Cousin Jordan and Me

Grandma and Me

Me and John

Auntie and me. We were being silly and throwing the gangsta signs!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Happy 26th! You have so many more to go! Congratulations! You have already gone so are awesome! Love, Cindy